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Need to Know: Restaurant Meal Kits

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced families, businesses, and almost all sorts of establishments to close their doors indefinitely. Take Hellofresh, for example, Now that people are stuck at home for most of their time, access to resources is more strained than before. And to all the foodies who are missing their favorite restaurants and hole-in-the-walls, not to worry since the food industry is adapting to this new normal.

What Goes Into A Restaurant Meal Kit?

Restaurants have always been competing with other food service industries such as catering and meal kit delivery. Now that their customers can’t eat at their restaurants, many restaurateurs in Canada are considering launching their own meal kits to keep abreast with the competition.

You might be wondering, what’s the difference between offering takeout and meal kits? They seem quite similar since you’d need reliable packaging and a good menu tailored to this mode of service. But the difference is that the meal kits are expected to be consumed at home so they can be designed for immediate consumption.

You can think of the meal kits as a sort of lunchbox that gets delivered at home. Even before the pandemic, meal kits have actually already been circulating around, usually in the form of healthy meals for those who seek to control their calorie intake.

A New Income Stream

The industry for meal delivery kits in Canada is small yet it’s gaining steam, picking up during recent times. Many big-name restaurants that don’t previously allow takeout or delivery are now offering meal kits instead. They have to consider this investment since it can open up a new revenue stream for their stymied business.

Restaurant owners are also making the decision to partner up with couriers to help promote this new venture. This would add great value to their meal kits now that they have a reliable delivery service—that is if they didn’t already have one before.

Another reason why meal kits would be a profitable addition is that convenience is a big factor for customers when choosing a place to eat from. Being able to get your meals delivered at home in easy-to-eat packaging is pretty much a dream for a large percentage of busy workers. Working from home can take a lot out of a person and switching the usual night out into a convenient “night in” can be a lifesaver for those who have no time or energy to cook at home.

Stand Out From The Competition

You can expect that your competitors will also be considering making their own meal kits. You’re all not quite starting from scratch but it helps to get a leg up at the starting line. The best way to do this is to offer something that no one else has. This may seem pretty obvious, but you’re going to have to think out-of-the-box since customers continue to look for more than what’s already been served before.

One example is by serving special meals and sets that aren’t typically offered at the restaurant or those that have ingredients that only your store can supply. Upscale restaurants have tried changing their high-class meal offerings into something more common fare but are made with the best quality ingredients by an expert chef.

Lastly, there’s a lot to consider when adding a new product, but in these times, taking a risk can be worth it if it can help your food business grow and survive. It will be a slow and possibly stress-filled change but as long as you know your customers, it’ll be hard to get it wrong.

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